Given the recent wave of patriot riots in central London and across the UK. This channel wants to Speak up and speak out πŸ—£️ To begin with. We completely agree with the concerns of millions of native. The British government is welcoming hundreds of thousands of immigrants by boat and doing nothing to stop them from abusing our customs, taking over our streets and imposing their way of life upon us. Our women and children are not even safe in certain areas because they have formed vigilant gangs and do not obey our laws. We are treated like second class citizens in our own ancestral homeland and they claim that their experiences back home entitled them to be HERE in OUR land!! And the British government does everything to "pander" to their demands, offering them financial aid and minority privileges while the native majority in these lands are suffering from economic deprivation and neglected!!! This is getting out of hand and everyone we know has had about enough, if the British establishment doesn't stop with it's two-tier politics then this country will explode very soon. Why are they coming over HERE anyway, don't they have many surrounding nations where they came from who can take them in? We didn't cause their problems so why are we being forced to accomodate and support these migrants?? They come here without legal papers and we grant them asylum upon arrival while the British politicians are turning a blind eye to the increasing numbers of ships arriving on our shores daily, full of economic migrants and religious fanatics who do not share our values!! They are shipping in these illegal immigrants who are taking away our homes and seeking to establish their own laws and state in our ancestral homeland.... Some parts of this country are not even recognisable anymore. They come from abroad claiming to have a god given right to this land, who do they think they are?? We have been tolerant and welcoming of them because they are mistreated and abuse where they come from but honestly - they always play the victim card and claim to be persecuted everywhere they go!!! but it appears as if Nothing is good enough for them, they are playing victims just to take over our land. Some of them have organised militias and huddle around ghettos creating no-go areas for the natives. What is worse. The British government promised to curb the influx of these migrants but all we are seeing are increasing numbers of them coming here by boat each year. At this rate, this country will lose it's native character, we are being written out of our own history!! They don't want to integrate, they just want to dominate! They bring their religious laws here and operate their own parallel legal system... They have their own places of worship, their own restaurant and dietary requirements and they do not make any effort to learn our language, they are a community set apart from the rest. Goodness. We even grant them asylum and give them citizenship and passports but they just keep complaining and some of them even claim this to be THEIR country now. The British politicians are turning a blind eye and soon enough we will explode!! - Written by a Palestinian (in Palestine) in 1947... Sykes 😝!! (Picot 😈)


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