The AVENGERS of Imam Hussein ⚔️

Who were the men and women that swore an oath to avenge Imam Hussein's massacre at Karbala and what was their fate after taking on the Umayyad empire head to head. Discover more about the Revolutions that erupted in the Muslim world in the months and years following the tragic events at Karbala and uncover some of the most fascinating episodes and characters in early Islamic History, including the following magnificent revolutionary groups and figures • The Tawabbin, Suleiman Ibn Surad • The Shabeebieh, Shabeeb and Ghazzalah • The Hashimiyyah, Abou Muslim Al Khorasani • The Peacock Army, Abdulrahman Ibn al-Ash'ath • The Kaysanites, Mokhtar at-Thaqqafi

HOW WE WERE ALL MANIPULATED A cautionary tale about social medial influence... 1. Horrific crime is committed by unknown suspect 2. Public immediately assumes race and religion of culprit without any further information being released by the authorities 3. Unscrupulous and vicious cyber-bot 🤖😈 spreads deeply anti-Islamic posts all over the internet with claim that culprit was Syrian asylum seeker named Ali. Post is picked up by influencers and social media accounts, they amplify this claim 4. Mindless followers take to the streets and destroy public and private property indiscriminately 🤬 5. Police crackdown begins and society is fractured 🫣 6. Police finally release the name and identity of the culprit. He is neither Muslim nor an asylum seeker 😶. Muslim celebrate while patriots wipe egg of their face 7. Rioters move the goalposts and pray that he was a recent convert radicalised in some mosque. Influencers who spread the misinformation go on a media tour to deflect and defend themselves 8. Online Safety act enforced. People receive sentences for sharing the false information online 🥺 9. Pakistani intelligence catches onto the news and decides to do some further investigation. They identify the source of the misinformation and apprehend the chief culprit somewhere in Pakistan. 10. He is a British Muslim living in his luxury villa in Pakistan 🫨. Making tonnes of money from the traffic generated by the clicks and shares linked to his website. Patriots celebrate while Muslims wipe egg of their face

If this doesn't teach us a valuable lesson about the lucrative and click-hungry social media scene, then nothing will. They thrive on controversy, click-baiting and all leads to the same end, the bank account 🫰💲💰🤑 The last 4 weeks have been a cash grabbing fest for mouthpieces and influencers on BOTH ends of the spectrum churning out daily (some of them hourly) ⚠️urgent updates, Britain is burning ⚠️ videos. Plenty of new channels have caught onto the scheme and also jumped onto the bandwagon and have exploited the new wave by consistently posting provocative videos with sensational titles and spamming the faces and names of popular yet controversial figures all over the internet. It all boils down to 🤑 💰 The rioters are skint, the government is skint and the content creators are minted. Now that the hammer is finally dropping (heavily), we can expect serious restrictions and legal implications in the months to come. What a wicked and truly deplorable thing to do, especially to your own community.... Kudos to the Pakistani police for resolving this, hope they make an example out of this person.


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