


Muslims should stop bible bashing. Let us find more productive and respectful ways to engage with communities of other faiths. The Qur'an warns against this overtly hostile and inconsiderate approach. A Muslim must always maintain a higher moral standard when speaking on behalf of the faith and sacred traditions. How we speak to people is as important as the lessons that we wish to impart onto them. Moses and Aaron spoke softly to Pharaoh, for good reasons. Prophet Muhammad ﷺ received Christian clerics and representatives in his blessed Masjid. During the civil, principled and mature exchange, he not only allowed them to express themselves and profess their belief in Christ (as THEY believe it, not according to the Qur'an) furthermore - when it was time to pray, prophet Muhammad ﷺ gave them a space in his Masjid to perform worship their savior. Have some respect for others. This sort of approach is nothing short of bullying and picking on a group of people who the Qur'an has already told us are the closest to the Muslims in compassion. We do not need to make more enemies. We need to seriously review what the objectives of this Dawah is and what guidelines need to be enforced. At this point it is anti-Dawah.


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